Saturday, December 4, 2010

To Lori , My search was over the day I Met you !!

First line in the first page prompted me to read the entire book "GOOGLE story" from top to bottom and not able to keep the book down even my eyes and body want to sleep.

Wow what an amazing book. Two PHD Kids Lori and Sergey from the Stanford University Microsoft foundation block later challenged the giant with an innovation.

Yahoo and Alta vista rejected the Google search engine for 1 MUSD offer prompted them to drop their PHD studies and start their own company and the rest is history.

"I am going to download the entire web in to my desktop" an idea from Lori and sergey Mathematical formula for the Page rank made Google search engine as the world most popular search engine.

I would like to give the Gist of this book, the entire story is like a drama with lot of emotions involved in it. Charlie Ayer executive chef part is touched me a lot, they were around 5000 Tshirts printed with his name, when he left the Google to start his own restaurant and he has also given some stock option by these nice guys.

The key to success is, they don’t know how they are going to make money even after running a company about a year. Whenever we focus on money the idea to start the business or the creativity is killed. Their aim is to solve the search problem in the internet world. There are no banners, no flash adds, no unwanted pop ups, hyperlinks nothing u can see in the world most popular site.

Later as agreed with Venture capitalist, they recruited Schmidt as a CEO to run the business. So that they can give focus more on innovation. In Google we can spend 20% of time for our own ideas, in fact if they like the idea, these guys will allocate resource for our own projects. Google News is an idea by Bharat an Indian where we can read all the news in one page.

Still they are not making any money out of it, but they liked the idea and it got implemented.

"Challenge with Microsoft" This is quite interesting part.. Once upon a time there was a thought that in reality no one can compete with Microsoft or not even go near to the Giant. Microsoft had a Wonderful strategy where they either sidelined or killed the competitors all the way in the Desktop OS Platform. Even Shiv Nadar from HCL has regretted in one of the interview, in 1980’s how they lost the space to Microsoft in the OS Market.

I don’t know how many of them like him has been wiped out around the world. Linux and Mac are still there but not strong enough. For e.g. when I went to buy a personal computer in a retail Shop at India whether HCL, Compaq, Dell or Toshiba all are just coming out Windows OS. What is good and bad about it?

Ideally a consumer should be the King in any market not the producer. It is good for both the consumer and the producer. Consumer will be benefited with competitive price and high quality. Producer can benchmark their performance with competitors and it is a fuel makes things better and better and better...

Live example for this is recently released Windows7 OS for Mobile by Microsoft, Earlier Windows mobile OS is a flop , what made them to come out with brand New Win7 for mobile with awesome UI and rewritten everything from scratch. Would they have invested so much money if there no such things like Android 2.2, RIM, Symbian, iOS available in the market? My answer is strong no. Probably they may release better version but they might have taken their own sweet time to release win7.

I am not against Microsoft, I love, and I admire the world most talented bunch of people who works at Microsoft. But they cannot sleep with the past glory.

It high time for Microsoft Sales and strategy team to create a feeling among consumers that, they are not using windows Desktop OS just by is by their choice... "Own choice"

Otherwise it is going to be another tortoise and Rabbit story "Google is chasing man"

Finally this is what you can interfere from the book...They are various ongoing secret projects in the field of automobile, Genetics, Competitive products for MS Desktop OS and Microsoft Office, Clean energy and so on..

Where the breadth is huge..

Still Gates wonder, how to tame these Google guys! We got "Bing"

However we are going to be the benefiter in this game... As a consumer we can expect much more innovative, cutting edge technology, Quality products with less price...

Oops! I am getting late for the meeting! Awesome MS outlook...Thank god I got the prompt...

Jay Make correction as discussed...Message from the Blackberry

On the way I should be able to edit this document...that's my android... :)-

Thank you

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